• +256 312 350 800 /880
  • info@ucu.ac.ug


We are registered with the following research and development institutions

  1. Grants.Gov - https://www.grants.gov/. This platform gives an opportunity for researchers to solicit for a wide range of funding opportunities by the Federal Government of the US. Registration is free. Researchers are encouraged to take advantage of this free service.
  2. European Commission - https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-search. This platform just like Grants.Gov provides an opportunity for researchers to solicit for a wide range of funding opportunities by the Federal Government of the European Commission. Registration is free. Researchers are encouraged to take advantage of this free service.
  3. Wellcome Trust- https://wellcome.org/. This platform provides an opportunity for researchers to solicit for a wide range of funding opportunities issued by the Wellcome Trust. Registration is free. Researchers are encouraged to take advantage of this free service.
  4. Funds Beeline - https://www.fundsbeeline.com/. With this, a whole array of opportunities across several research disciplines is collected in one-stop center. UCU is subscribed to this platform and researchers are encouraged to take advantage of this.
  5. SAIRA - https://saira.eco/saira2/pub/. This platform connects researchers and institutions with innovative ideas across the world for technology advancement and knowledge sharing.  Again, our researchers are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities.

Note: The Staff at the Directorate are available to help you with these registrations/subscriptions.

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